Carpenter/Robbins Commercial Real Estate, Inc. Advantage
When It Counts, It Pays To Go With A Specialist
Specialization - Carpenter/Robbins has specialized in representing government entities in commercial real estate for the past 20 years.
Experience - Each member of our team has between 10 to 30 years of commercial real estate experience and are ready today to be a contributing member of your team.
Track Record - We have completed over 1,000 government sale and lease transactions, over 2M square feet of space, coast to coast.
Advocacy - Since we specialize in government representation we know how to negotiate to get the most for government entities in the private sector.
Education - We train to stay up on FAR 'best practices' and take all the Contracting Officer classes.
Location - Our Western location can be an advantage to Eastern based agencies and our national experience adds depth for our Midwestern and Eastern assignments.
Innovative Solutions - Our familiarity with the governmental process has led to a number of National problem solving assignments: financial analysis, site studies, construction cost reduction and financial due diligence.
MAS Schedule - Carpenter/Robbins Commercial Real Estate, Inc. is currently a schedule holder under the Multiple Award Schedule, formerly FABS and PSS schedule, and is available to do work under the following Special Item Numbers (SINs):
522310- Financial Advising, Loan Servicing and Asset Management Services
531210- Financial Asset Resolution Services
541611- Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services
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