Build-to-Suit (Lease Acquisition)

We have helped a lot of clients through the complex and challenging maze of constructing specialized buildings specifically to suit their distinct operational purposes. Sometimes we have never been to the target city, and other times we could barely pronounce the departments for which we were planning adjacencies. Over the years as we grew, we became familiar with more cities and learned the meaning and purpose behind the functions we were so carefully constructing. To date we have been part of some very exceptional teams, which have completed over 2,000,000 square feet of Class 'A' facilities from Atlanta to Austin to Colorado Springs and back to the west coast. Most of these teams come together for assignments that take between 24 to 48 months to complete. We get to know your teammates well and earn their respect as they earn ours. Whether Carpenter/Robbins puts the team together or is invited to be part of it, you can be certain we will always have your best interest at the core of every action we take to bring your vision into focus.

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