Public-Private Partnerships (P3) are an increasingly popular and highly effective way for public agencies to achieve a variety of goals. P3 projects enable public agencies to achieve policy goals, better serve their constituents, obtain and maintain critical social infrastructure, and catalyze economic development. We represent public parties on assignments that range from exploring the general potential of P3 to managing the structuring, procurement, and development of critical social infrastructure projects. At Carpenter/Robbins we find that every P3 project is unique but that the following three "Ps" are critical:
Once these goals are defined we seek qualified private sector partners and initiate comprehensive discussions with them to further refine and improve the vision. We then execute a procurement process designed to ensure that we assemble the right team at the right cost. The project is structured to provide the best of the private sector's capabilities while protecting our client, the public agency. We remain involved through the execution and delivery of the project and often have continuing responsibilities.